Sunday, October 20, 2013

Swiss Family Schneider - Return to Catamount - UPDATED VERSION WITH JACK VIDEO

UPDATE - Please click on the YouTube link to now see Jack in action on the zip line.  It took much longer for this one to upload for some reason.

Nothing says family time like climbing through various "elements" (as they're called) and zipping down taut cables suspended high in the trees.  Today was the long awaited trip to the Catamount Mountain Aerial Adventure Park which straddles the New York / Massachusetts state line.  Everyone had a great time.

You have to be at least 7 years old to navigate the courses.  And, naturally, the parents have to sign waivers for themselves and their unsuspecting children which I can tell you no one spent any time whatsoever reading. After overcoming some initial anxiety, Jack conquered the 3 beginner / intermediate courses we took.  As expected, he needed assistance with his carabiners, pulley and the tweezels (yep, those are real thingamabobs).  That did not deter him though.

Cindy jumped right into things as well.  Dad was really hoping to capture a classic damsel in distress moment but she scoffed at such rubbish and laughed in my general direction.  We didn't take any of the double black diamond courses though.  This was a family day.  

Quinn and Dad were able to enjoy some of the VERY long zip lines which were not present when we last visited 3.5 years ago.  Jack had run out of gas by then which was probably for the best.  The photos really capture some of the highlights.  Click on the YouTube link to see the action packed video footage! Looks like the ol' family blog can't handle the bigger video files anymore.

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