Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's all over (turn off the lights ... turn off the lights)

We had a good time on our trip. On Thursday, Quinn said he had enough of the beach and proclaimed he wasn't going on Friday. Come Friday morning, he was down there with Jack and I enjoying his best beach day of the trip. We finally caught a handful of hermit crabs and actually had Jack's kiddie pool set up which quickly doubled as an aquarium. Some kids from Virginia helped out too. While we were eating lunch back at the condo, they found about 9 more so there were about a dozen in the pool when we got back. Jack enjoyed stepping on them and loading the pool up with sand so the crabs could continue to burrow.

Quinn and Travis both got swept right off their feet by some impressive waves Friday. I literally got turned over twice underwater as I bodysurfed a couple into shore. Travis didn't think he would have fun on his trip without bringing one of his goober friends along but I knew better. He had alot more fun than even he expected. Hey Kim - ask him about Ocean City's public transportation system. That's right -- I made him take the bus -- at night! (photos of bus excursions not posted to protect the innocent --- and guilty). We are proud of Travis and impressed with his meticulous plan to become a fire fighter (and then some). Seeing the fireman's memorial seemed somewhat prophetic. He can come back anytime. Brittaney -- we will be visiting Lancaster County, Pennsylvania when it's your turn to come to New York. I'll bet you never thought the Amish could be so much fun.

This blog only focuses on the positive things so I'm not going to write about Quinn's new found susceptability to car sickness or his awful behavior on the way home. I'm also not going to write about Jack's constant recitation of the words "Pee! Poop!" or "Hat!"(his name for Travis) at maximum volume at all times of day and in all possible places. I'm also not going to talk about the 15-20 miles of traffic that cost us 90 minutes in New Jersey today. Nope, I'm just going to conclude by saying we had a great time.

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