Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Attack!

3 weeks into dog ownership and all is well.  Woody is very much the puppy in all respects but goofy moments like this make it all worthwhile.  

With respect to the 2 legged animals, they are fine, too.  Jack is back into the swing of soccer and the trampoline is back in operation.  The boys help with Woody and we all enjoyed his first trip to the vet yesterday.

The cat hates Woody's guts and wants him dead.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Welcome mangy mutt

Say hello to Woodstock (you can call him Woody).   Some ungrateful southerner gave him and his siblings up and he was transported to a shelter in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains.   He is a Catahoula Hound mix and is just  shy of 4 months.  He has been a wonderful addition to the family, says everyone but the cat. 

Woody has enjoyed dry nights in his crate which has been approved for international travel.  We trained him quickly but he still needs to be watched at all times.   He loves to play, always makes us laugh when he can't figure out how someone went upstairs (it's only a matter of time) and greets us all every morning with unconditional love.  It is work for sure but well worth it. 

And now that the news has been shared 
...let the unsolicited advice begin! 

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