Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quinn "moves up" to middle school - Parents go into shock

Quinn is nearly 11 years old and will begin middle school in the fall.  The "moving up" ceremony mimicked that of a conventional graduation.  Quinn is seen in the video at top accepting his certificate and shaking hands with the principal, vice principal, the superintendent and august members of the board of education.

Quinn is popular with the students and teachers and has great grades.  He has grown to enjoy band and I only wish the website would let me put up the files of him playing at his recent concert.  Unfortunately, the files are too large.  I will take another shot at editing them.  I can share them in other ways for anyone who may be interested.

The boys will spend some time in a day camp this summer.  They will bounce on their new trampoline with friends everyday.  We'll hit a beach somewhere along the way.  And before we know it, Quinn will be causing us agita this fall when he vigorously resists getting up at 6 a.m. or so for middle school.

It was a day to reflect, more so perhaps for Mom and Dad.