Friday, June 29, 2012

More end of school /early summer photos

The first action photo shows Jack at his school field day.  He had a great time.

The other photo shows part of the continuing bounty of our first vegetable garden.  It is a huge success and the tomatoes are on their way.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer is here

Only 3 1/2 days of school left.  Jack finished his first t-ball season last night.   He liked it best when yours truly was there to make it more interesting for him.  This photo will be what I choose to remember from the experience.

Check out the bounty that will be the Schneider Farm Stand!  The pea pods are a success and taste great. Our lettuce, pictured in the back of the photo on the right, has been splendid.  It is the gift that keeps on giving.  It looks like our cucumbers and cherry tomatoes are well on their way, too.

  Finally, I've chosen to add these two photos exhibiting the boys' passion for climbing.  The bottom photo shows them about 20 feet off the ground.  No other kids, out of the many others that were present during the final t-ball extravaganza, climbed up with these two.