Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jack turns 5 ..... (finally, he'd say).

If you lived with Jack day in and day out, you would have thought this day would never come.  But it did.  And with huge fanfare! Cindy devoted an unusual (ok, borderline psychotic) amount of time planning the "Super Mario" bonanza complete with original games, artwork and cupcakes that looked like the mushrooms that are part of the video games.  The kids played "Pin The Mustache On  Mario"  "Mega Mario Stomp" (see video to the left), "Musical Mario Squares" (to mimic one of the video games) and several others.  Super Mario music permeated throughout the house so pay close attention when watching the "Musical Mario" video.  The kids all received coins (get it?) for doing well (or poorly) on the games and exchanged them for chocolate coins. See below for more text.

Jack received a number of cool gifts which brightened his day further.  His friends and the usual troupe of neighborhood scamps enjoyed the party and games as much as Jack .... maybe even more so.  There were 15 kids here in total and they behaved incredibly well.  Nevertheless, Cindy has already decided that we will celebrate Jack's 6th birthday at a different establishment.

 The loveable little guys couldn't help but cheat their way to pinning mustaches right under Mario's nose.  They busted through our blindfold system until we found one they couldn't cheat.
 The photo to the right shows the group of little ones getting primed to stomp the balloons.  Jack ran off at the sound of the first two or three pops.  It was loud inside the closed garage.  Only one child guest cried.  Jack came back in with a vengeance after the big kids were called in to stomp it into high gear. It was a fun time and Cindy's friends chastised her for making their lives more difficult ("Now what are WE supposed to do?).