Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 - Vermont edition

Gramma Jeanne and Papa Jeff enjoyed a visit from their preferred son (the one that not only calls but visits too) and his model family.  We contributed the homemade stuffing and the elder Schneiders popped for the rest of the big day meal.  Cindy and Gramma braved a trampling and went to Toys R Us at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving Night along with the rest of non-bovine Vermont population.  To think they only got back at 3 a.m. too.

Jack and Quinn were treated to a tour of the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in bustling (not true at all - it is a very tiny town) Waterbury, Vermont.  It is a very short tour but the payoff (free ice cream) made the boys' day.  It's enough to satisfy a little kid.  Ok, that's not true either I had to buy them a "Peace Pop" too.  Actually, Quinn found the tour interesting.  He's definitely getting older but is just as smart as always.  First report card - all A+ and A.

The boys also enjoyed St. Albans Bay while joining Maki the Mutt on her morning constitutional.  There were nice icicle formations along the banks for Quinn to smash with a piece of lumber while Jack enjoyed picking up a variety of shells.  Dad had notions of summertime camping with Quinn at nearby Burton Island.  We'll see how the backyard campout goes first .... after the next 5 months of winter.

Other kid activities included piling stuff on Paddy the cat and wrestling in all the wrong places inside Gramma and Papa's house.  Dad tried out his flask and was surprised to learn it still worked great!