Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hooray for Vuvuzelas!

Jack completed his first year of preschool last week.  We are proud of him.  He was rewarded with an impressive diploma and class party which I'm told was very loud. The only thing missing was a vuvuzela for each student.

The other photos depict the current appearance of our blossoming flower garden.  This year, we started from complete scratch and laid the seedbed on Easter.  No starter seedlings for us greenthumbs.  The wide shot doesn't really do it justice but when more color emerges we'll take some updated photos.

Quinn only has a few days of school left.  He continues to thrive and was selected not only for gifted testing but also invited to participate in the school's "Enrichment Summer Academy". That's right, the smart kids are rewarded with summer school!  We are going to decline that invitation for him.  He's not complaining.