Monday, May 31, 2010

The Start of Summertime

Nothing says summer like a 3D Sharkbite Slip n Slide (that and a bunch of drinks).  Cindy uncharacteristically took all of these high quality photos (she wasn't the one drinking).  Grandma Jeanne was on hand for the fun.   Quinn excelled at the slip and the slide.  Jack predominantly excelled at the slip.

Cindy and Grandma enjoyed a brisk stroll on the Walkway Over The Hudson.  Rumor has it Grandma was the pacesetter and Cindy struggled to keep up.  Must have been that big anniversary meal that slowed her down.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jack's school field trip on the train

Daddy made an appearance with the nursery school crowd today. The reason? Jack's field trip which involves a short ride on the train to a riverfront park a couple of stops down the line.

Jack loved the train and warmed up to the park.

From Bryan's handheld

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The number of school field trips increase as we near the end of the school year.  This week, Mommy and Jack were treated to a morning at the Rocking Horse Ranch, a rather swanky dude ranch for the city folk.  It's only 5-10 minutes from our home and has been around for quite awhile.

Quinn never took to horse riding but Jack certainly didn't mind.