Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring done Sprung (also our 100th post!)

A stunning day here in the Hudson Valley! 72 degrees and bright sunshine greeted spring. After undertaking some preparations for the big car ride to North Carolina next Saturday, we had some fun.

The boys - after much complaining about not wanting to go - had a great hike along Shaupeneak Ridge, visiting the rewarding waterfall at the end of the trail for the first time in 2 years. It's great to be only 10 minutes away from the trail head.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mommy & Daddy have been replaced

In preparation for our long drive to North Carolina in 2 weeks, we bought Jack a Nintendo DS Lite (eBay is great) to match what Quinn has. Jack LOVES it! It is all consuming. Mario and Luigi are Jack's parents now. Cindy and I are no longer needed as he is now self sufficient. We are soliciting work outside the house.