This is the first part in a multipart series to slowly condition the North Carolina Schneiders to the prospect of boys in their house ... for several consecutive days. They're loud, violent, and vulgar ("Daddy! I killed myself!" "Let's play Mario Poops!" -- and that's Jack talking, not Quinn. His 2nd grade vocabulary is
much more diversified.)
This first video is harmless and even sweet. Don't be fooled. The imagery will intensify as we draw closer to the visit. Future videos may include karate kicks to the midsection, punches to the face, jumping from tables and Jack's now famous headbutt into Quinn's mouth.
Anyway, let's get back to the sweet video. Jack is more carefree than big brother. This video catches him in an unguarded moment. Yes, it's sideways because I wanted an unguarded moment. And no, I couldn't figure out how to save it after rotating the image. But the sounds of true play and his unique bathtub garb speak volumes.
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