Saturday, February 27, 2010


Whew! 2 feet of snow this week. Fortunately, our power was not interrupted. 132,000 of our surrounding neighbors can't say the same thing.

School was closed for 3 straight days which is unprecedented for Quinn.

We finally got them outside today. We can only take so much Super Mario Brothers Wii. Daddy shook off his muscle pain and helped construct snow tunnels / forts for the boys. The top shot is Quinn going down the rabbit hole.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Not a care in the world ....

It's a good thing insomnia (that both Daddy and Quinn have) isn't contagious, right Jack?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Love Day!

Here are two "wall of fame" pics. Like in many other households, our fridge door doubles as a showcase for school achievements. Six weeks' worth of Quinn's perfect spelling tests are currently on display. The words include "ostrich", "strategy", "pioneers" and the always dastardly "February". Just ignore the fact Jack is sticking the muzzle of his toy gun up his nose.

The videos are dedicated to one of our most devoted fans who persuasively won the boys' hearts this Valentine's Day. The end of Jack's video gives away her secret.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Deconstructing Jack

This is the first part in a multipart series to slowly condition the North Carolina Schneiders to the prospect of boys in their house ... for several consecutive days. They're loud, violent, and vulgar ("Daddy! I killed myself!" "Let's play Mario Poops!" -- and that's Jack talking, not Quinn. His 2nd grade vocabulary is much more diversified.)

This first video is harmless and even sweet. Don't be fooled. The imagery will intensify as we draw closer to the visit. Future videos may include karate kicks to the midsection, punches to the face, jumping from tables and Jack's now famous headbutt into Quinn's mouth.

Anyway, let's get back to the sweet video. Jack is more carefree than big brother. This video catches him in an unguarded moment. Yes, it's sideways because I wanted an unguarded moment. And no, I couldn't figure out how to save it after rotating the image. But the sounds of true play and his unique bathtub garb speak volumes.

Reminder to our AARP members - you may actually have to go to the website itself to watch videos if they don't work in your email.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

We're back!

After a 3.5 month hiatus, we're back .....

So what's new you ask? Well, Quinn has been enjoying weekend basketball practices. Sorely needed by all of us to ward off cabin fever. 2nd grade is a breeze.

Jack received his first nursery school report card. Wouldn't you know it? He's smart, well adjusted, and eager to participate in everything.

Dad is now a director for the local chamber of commerce and responsible for spearheading the ambassador program. Yay Daddy! Another 7 a.m. business meeting to attend!

Mommy just returned from a day at the spa. Oh the price she shall pay for taking the day off ......

Check out the boys singing a lullaby. It's touching.