Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 - Vermont edition

Gramma Jeanne and Papa Jeff enjoyed a visit from their preferred son (the one that not only calls but visits too) and his model family.  We contributed the homemade stuffing and the elder Schneiders popped for the rest of the big day meal.  Cindy and Gramma braved a trampling and went to Toys R Us at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving Night along with the rest of non-bovine Vermont population.  To think they only got back at 3 a.m. too.

Jack and Quinn were treated to a tour of the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in bustling (not true at all - it is a very tiny town) Waterbury, Vermont.  It is a very short tour but the payoff (free ice cream) made the boys' day.  It's enough to satisfy a little kid.  Ok, that's not true either I had to buy them a "Peace Pop" too.  Actually, Quinn found the tour interesting.  He's definitely getting older but is just as smart as always.  First report card - all A+ and A.

The boys also enjoyed St. Albans Bay while joining Maki the Mutt on her morning constitutional.  There were nice icicle formations along the banks for Quinn to smash with a piece of lumber while Jack enjoyed picking up a variety of shells.  Dad had notions of summertime camping with Quinn at nearby Burton Island.  We'll see how the backyard campout goes first .... after the next 5 months of winter.

Other kid activities included piling stuff on Paddy the cat and wrestling in all the wrong places inside Gramma and Papa's house.  Dad tried out his flask and was surprised to learn it still worked great!   

Friday, October 15, 2010

Jack turns 4!

Let's face it people.  We're all old and miserable.  We'd give anything to feel the uninhibited joy a 4 year old experiences unwrapping his birthday gifts.  Well, these photos of our son Jack are the closest thing you'll probably be able to find so enjoy them.  Cindy and I certainly did.  Jack warms our hearts everyday.  Happy birthday son. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blogmeld - The Next Generation

There is only one piece of photographic evidence that the "Clan O Shannon" and "Highland Schneiders" were actually physically located in the same place on October 2, 2010.  I know.  It is hard to believe.  It's like looking at that same photo of Champy, the Lake Champlain Monster, that gets trotted out for every "Legends of Bigfoot, Lochness etc." TV show.  You want to believe it's real but it's so utterly ridiculous your mind won't let you.

But it's true!  It happened!  In the contemplative and serene surroundings of Chuck E. Cheese in Latham, NY.  It was all in honor of two year old Alexander Shannon's birthday party.  It had everything.  Blinking lights, earsplitting sounds, missing children (just for a few heartstopping moments), pizza, chocolate cake smeared onto every surface.  It was impossible to think all of the children would remain stationary long enough to click off a photo of them all so three out of four will have to do.

(left to right - Alexander Shannon, Jack, some hideous guy --- oh wait, that's Mr. Paul Shannon, Bryan's friend of over 20 years and author of the fine "Clan O Shannon" blog, and Little Paul Shannon)

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Super Mario Bedroom - weeeheeeeeee!

Although Cindy will tell you we're not done yet, I can safely deem the job in Quinn's room substantially completed.  She's still on the hunt for a matching set of bedsheets, bedspread etc.

The color scheme on the walls is "dragonfly blue" and "oh so red" which were direct hits.  The blinds and carpeting are a shade darker blue but do the job nicely.  Daddy wants to get some Super Mario "fatheads" or decals for the walls but we'll see. 

I'm officially done painting for the year.  3 rooms was plenty.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quinn goes to his first pro sports game

Coming into possession of courtesy tickets made the decision to bring Quinn to tonight's preseason Giants game an easy one. He was surprised
(and generally unhappy) about how loud a big time $1.6 billion dollar stadium can get. The ice cream softened the blow. He was impressed with all of the HD monitors big and small throughout the complex. The game barely held his attention. Well, ya gotta start somewhere.

From Bryan's handheld

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Searing hot trip to Kansas

Cindy and the boys visited the Kansas side of our family for 8 brutally hot days where temperatures peaked at 108 degrees.  The boys both enjoyed throwing up during the course of the visit, a real must when visiting the American Prairie.  When they felt well, they enjoyed playing with their cousins, big and small (Brittany and Caleb are the big ones; Tristen and Natalie are the small ones) bouncing on Aunt K.K's trampoline, going to two different sprinkler parks, and playing with Junior the Cat (a true farm cat in appearance but the toast of the town, at least Jack's town anyway).

The boys introduced cousin Tristen to the wonders of Nintendo DS while Cindy had the chance to meet with high school friends.  Cindy also took the boys to pay their respects to our dearly departed Papa Jack which proved helpful to Quinn in particular.

The boys alternated between homesickness and not wanting to leave which is just a reflection of how we all feel.   It would be nice not to have to choose.

It's been a couple of months since we posted some shots of our flower garden.  I took a closeup of one of our vases to show the bounty of the harvest.  There have been multiple blooms throughout this hot summer.  Once again, the photos don't really do the garden itself justice but suffice to say, we are happy with the results of our season long effort.

"Dude, I gotz to get one of these!"

Watch out for the mange boys!

"I'm so cool!!!!"

Where have I seen this photo before?  Hmmmm .. that's right!   The Post Office!  

"My cutenesses is soooo underappreciated."

Uncle Tom with cousins Natalie and Tristen

At least one of them enjoyed Aunt K.K.'s cooking.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hooray for Vuvuzelas!

Jack completed his first year of preschool last week.  We are proud of him.  He was rewarded with an impressive diploma and class party which I'm told was very loud. The only thing missing was a vuvuzela for each student.

The other photos depict the current appearance of our blossoming flower garden.  This year, we started from complete scratch and laid the seedbed on Easter.  No starter seedlings for us greenthumbs.  The wide shot doesn't really do it justice but when more color emerges we'll take some updated photos.

Quinn only has a few days of school left.  He continues to thrive and was selected not only for gifted testing but also invited to participate in the school's "Enrichment Summer Academy". That's right, the smart kids are rewarded with summer school!  We are going to decline that invitation for him.  He's not complaining.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Start of Summertime

Nothing says summer like a 3D Sharkbite Slip n Slide (that and a bunch of drinks).  Cindy uncharacteristically took all of these high quality photos (she wasn't the one drinking).  Grandma Jeanne was on hand for the fun.   Quinn excelled at the slip and the slide.  Jack predominantly excelled at the slip.

Cindy and Grandma enjoyed a brisk stroll on the Walkway Over The Hudson.  Rumor has it Grandma was the pacesetter and Cindy struggled to keep up.  Must have been that big anniversary meal that slowed her down.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jack's school field trip on the train

Daddy made an appearance with the nursery school crowd today. The reason? Jack's field trip which involves a short ride on the train to a riverfront park a couple of stops down the line.

Jack loved the train and warmed up to the park.

From Bryan's handheld