Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mr. Miyagi - meet your next student - that gaptoothed kid!

Big doins' down at the dojo! Quinn is officially a student of the martial arts and loves it. There have been two classes thus far but Quinn was given his uniform tonight. Jack is very jealous and loves recreating the simple moves and combinations Quinn shows us when he gets home. Quinn has responded well to the class structure and obediently follows dojo rules requiring "yes sir" answers. It is rewarding to us as parents to see him like this. Naturally, we are confounded by his behavior at home which at times is far from the "yes sir" stuff .... moving on!

Sunday night, one of Quinn's top teeth fell out and the next one is not too far behind. As the photo with both boys shows, Quinn is starting to sprout straight up now.

Photos of Jack are included because he's damn cute.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Father Time is nipping at Daddy's heels

Before you scroll down for the main attraction, please celebrate with us! Our fish is still alive and thriving! After a bout of overfeeding and bulimia (we actually saw her do you know what), we changed out Betty's tank and put her on a diet. We look forward to years of ... her. Ok, now the main event.

First, it was the gray hair. Then came the required suit and tie. Now, it's the glasses which of course round out the lawyer look. I still have 20/20 vision but the strain my eyes felt at the end of the day made it impossible to do things like watch TV or read. So now I have the help I need. Quinn took the photo of me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Welcome Class of 2024

Today we registered Jack at the nursery school he will attend starting in September. It is the same place Quinn attended with the same teachers. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. C were happy to see Quinn. Jack will be in class with at least 2 little girlfriends (Sophie is the little blonde in the ponytail in the movie) he sees regularly and we are acquainted with several others. Not much has changed since Quinn was last there which made Jack's orientation easy for them both.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why I get up early in the morning and work hard

This photo shows just one of the two reasons I get up at 5 a.m. every Wednesday, work 10-12 hour days, work late into the night, meet with clients on weekends and do whatever I can to succeed.